Kathy Teyler Jarrett was brought up in Illinois and Oregon, then attended Vassar College, working in NYC and hitchhiking through Europe after graduation, all broadening her horizons greatly. Returning to the NW, she taught English and Speech for almost 25 years, from middle school to college levels. That imparted lessons in discipline and patience, traits that came in handy when her husband Ben was diagnosed with Lewy body Dementia in 2009.
As his caregiver, she learned love does not conquer all—but a good doctor, the right medications, a sense of humor and creativity may help. Since her husband’s death, she has formed a local support group for LBD caregivers, fielded hundreds of calls for help on the Lewy Line (800-539-9767), appeared on local TV talking about LBD, and gives webinars and workshops about the disease and coping skills. She also helps with two FB groups, Lewy body Carers and LBD: Beyond Lewy. In 2019, she was awarded Volunteer of the Year by the Lewy body Dementia Association. She does all this volunteer work in Ben’s memory. Now she hopes this book will reach many who need its information and empathy.